What can buyers demand during a final walk-through?

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The home buying process can be exciting, but also a little nerve-wracking. After the offer is accepted, inspections are complete, and financing is secured, there's one crucial step left: the final walk-through before closing. This important visit to the property allows you to verify its condition before signing on the dotted line. 

The final walk-through is your chance to ensure the home is in the same condition it was in during the inspection and as outlined in your purchase agreement. Any unexpected changes or issues can be addressed before you take ownership. And it begs the question: what can buyers demand at final walk-through?

Who attends a final walk through?

The final walk-through is a crucial step before closing on your new home. It's your chance to verify that the property is in the condition you agreed to purchase. But who gets to be there to witness this important event?

Who Is it mandatory?
Buyer Yes
Buyer’s agent Optional
Seller Optional
Seller’s agent Optional
  • Buyer: This is your chance to inspect the property thoroughly; your presence is important!
  • Buyer's agent: Their experience can be valuable in spotting potential issues and negotiating on your behalf.
  • Seller: Their presence is less common. In some cases, they may attend to answer questions or address concerns directly.
  • Seller's Agent: Similar to the seller, their role is less frequent during the final walk-through.

Ultimately, the final walk-through is a buyer-centric event. While your agent's presence can be helpful, the key participants are you, the buyer.How long does it take?The final walk-through should be a meticulous inspection, not a rushed formality. While the size and complexity of the property can influence the duration, plan on spending at least 30 minutes to a full hour. Don't hesitate to take extra time if you need it, to ensure everything is in order. Remember, this is your last chance to address any issues before closing!What are the potential issues that might come up during a walk through?While they’re not typically as intensive as the home inspection you get after putting in an offer, closing walkthroughs are a top-to-bottom endeavor. And while surprises are rare, it's important to be prepared for any potential discrepancies. Here are some common issues that might arise during a final walk-through:

  • Incomplete repairs: Sometimes, repairs agreed upon during the inspection process haven't been completed by closing. This could include anything from a leaky faucet to a malfunctioning electrical outlet.
  • Damaged appliances: Appliances can break down between the inspection and closing. Be sure to test all major appliances, like the oven, dishwasher, refrigerator, and washing machine, to ensure they’re in working order.
  • Inoperable systems: Check that all major systems in the house are functioning properly. This includes testing the heating and cooling systems (HVAC), plumbing (faucets, toilets, showers), and electrical systems (lights, outlets).
  • Missing fixtures or inclusions: Double-check that all agreed-upon fixtures and inclusions are present. These could be light fixtures, window blinds, or even the disposal unit in the kitchen sink. Review the purchase agreement to ensure everything you expected is there.
  • Unforeseen property damage: In rare instances, there might be unforeseen damage to the property that wasn't there during the inspection. This could be anything from a broken window to water damage.

Be thorough during your final walk-through, but also be reasonable. Minor cosmetic issues like nail pops in the wall are likely not worth delaying closing. That said, significant issues that impact the functionality or safety of the property should be addressed by the seller before any closing paperwork gets signed. 

What does the process of resolving issues look like?

The final walk-through shouldn't be a dealbreaker, but there’s always a chance that you’ll find something worthy of stalling it. Anything significant enough to warrant attention and remediation needs to be brought to the table—particularly if it involves potential liability. If you end up finding something outside the scope of your offer, here's how to go about resolving issues before closing:

  • Documenting the problems. If you discover any significant discrepancies between the agreed-upon condition and the current state of the property, take detailed notes. Pictures and videos are also helpful in documenting the problems.
  • Communication and negotiation. Bring your concerns to the attention of your real estate agent (if you have one) or directly to the seller's agent. Work together to communicate any issues to the seller. Depending on the severity of the problem, you might request repairs, replacements, or even concessions from the seller (like a credit towards closing costs).
  • Finding a resolution. The seller may readily agree to address minor issues—great! For larger repairs, negotiation might be necessary. Be prepared to discuss potential solutions, such as the seller fixing the issue themselves before closing, providing a credit towards repairs you can complete after closing, or using a portion of the closing funds to be held in escrow until repairs are verified.
  • Timeline. If repairs are needed, establish a clear timeline for their completion. This timeline should be documented and agreed upon by all parties involved. Ideally, repairs should be finished before closing—but depending on the complexity, this might not always be feasible. Contractors and repair experts have their own schedules and may book out far in advance. 

Throughout this process, be clear, professional, and reasonable in your communications and expectations. Getting back on track towards a successful closing will take cooperation. Here, your real estate agent can be an asset in navigating the situation and advocating for your best interests. Remember: the goal is to move the sale forward, but only under fair and agreed-upon terms. Find out whether you can back out after a final walk-through

4 things buyers demand at final walk-through

Let’s address our original question: what can buyers demand at final walk-through? The answer comes down to what you find. This doesn't mean you can make unreasonable demands or request upgrades, but you can certainly address any outstanding issues that prevent the home from being live-in ready. Minor cosmetic issues that weren't previously addressed may not be grounds for major concessions. Instead, here are some specific examples of what you can demand or ask for during the final walk-through:

1. Completion of agreed-upon repairs 

If repairs were identified during the inspection and agreed upon in the negotiation stage, you can demand their completion before closing. This includes presenting documentation or receipts that the repairs were done by qualified professionals.

2. Replacement of damaged appliances 

If any appliances included in the sale are damaged or not functioning properly, you can request replacements or a credit towards repairs. The extent to which this is reasonable will depend on the condition of the appliance during the initial showing and the terms of the agreement.

3. Repair of inoperable systems

If essential systems like plumbing, electrical, or HVAC aren’t working correctly, you can demand repairs before closing. This ensures you're not moving into a home with significant underlying safety issues.

4. Resolution of property damage

Any unforeseen property damage that wasn't present during the initial inspections or disclosures can be brought to the seller's attention. Depending on the severity, you might request repairs or a credit towards repairs at the closing.As a general rule of thumb, demand a solution for anything that will cost you a meaningful amount of money to fix. In addition, anything that poses a safety threat should be remedied before the transaction is complete. Keep in mind, though: the seller may refuse to make repairs. If they do, the transaction may fall through.

Handle your final walk-through with peace of mind

The final walk-through is your last chance to ensure the property you're about to purchase meets the agreed-upon conditions. By thoroughly inspecting the home and addressing any discrepancies, you can move forward with confidence. Remember: a well-documented walk-through protects your investment and helps avoid surprises after closing.Don't hesitate to discuss any questions or concerns you have about the final walk-through process with your mortgage broker or real estate agent. Their expertise can be invaluable in navigating this crucial step toward homeownership!

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